Africa's Dilemma...

Sharon Valley Christian Kibbutz Village

Kampala City: Rural-to-urban migration has created urban over-population and roads traffic congestion. 

Urban based socioeconomic development has not created enough jobs for the thousands graduating from schools and universities

Unemployment has resulted in social disruption and unrest and a solution must be found otherwise we are sitting on a timebomb. 
Thousands of Africans are migrating to the Islamic Arab world while others are making dangerous trans-Sahara and trans- Mediterranean journeys to Europe, looking for greener pastures. Just like Joseph advised the king of Egypt, to solve the nation’s problem, saying, “Let Pharaoh do this …,” today’s “Joseph-Church” must provide the Continent with a solution by advising, “Let Africa do this …”

Xenophobia: South African youth killing immigrants.

Shortage of employment has led to trans-Saharan and Trans-Mediterranean people trafficking and slavery